Thursday, July 17, 2008

Dr. Chopper

Dr. Chopper (2005)
Seen on DVD 18th July 2008

A Friendly Place
For Happy People

Oh My God! Bad horror is awesome!

first of all... if you EVER say something like: "i can tell that this is gonna be a weekend none of us are ever gonna forget" in a horror film, then you are DOOMED!! It's that simple.

STORY: 2/7 - (oooh, a cabin in the woods)
So the main guy... umm... Billy? NICK! his name is Nick! (this is an indicator of the quality here, i watched it like, 8 seconds ago) Nick's mum has just died, *sad,* and his girlfriend decides it would be a good idea for them, and some friends, to go out to Nick's mum's abandoned cabin in the woods at lake tatonka.

unfortunately there is a crazed plastic surgeon living in the woods trying to find the secret of eternal life, by killing people and giving himself organ transplants. There is also a loner park ranger, who used to be a chiropractor but one of his patients (i think his girlfriend/wife) died. (Yes, apparently his chiropractical skills can't save a life! WHAT?)

ACTING: 0.5/7
Yes, that's right... Half a point out of seven. I think that might even be too kind.
It was TERRIBLE!!! It HURT ME to watch it.
A group of highschool kids could have probably done a better job.

CINEMATOGRAPHY / VISUAL EFFECTS: 1/7 (mmmm, severred leg)
There were some severred limbs... that was about all.

Surprisingly good score for a shitty shitty horror movie.


Some blood, an ear get's ripped off a guy at one point. lots of deaths... but we didn't get to see any of the killing.


interesting facts -
- this DVD was found in a $2 bin!

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