Monday, August 18, 2008


Juno (2007)
Seen on DVD 14th August 2008

In the special edition orange tic-tac box!
*pictured below*

Writer: Diablo Cody
Dir: Jason Reitman

This movie was totally the unnexpected break-out hit of the year. Juno and "Death at a Funeral" were the indie-flicks that refused to stay down.

STORY: 5.5/7 - (It started with a chair)
So Juno (Ellen Page) is a 16 year old girl... and she's pregnant! That's pretty much the story!
She decides that she is incapable of raising the baby herself, so she finds a family who can't have children (Jason Bateman and Jennifer Garner) and sets up an adoption plan.

ACTING: 6/7 - (I still have your underwear / I still have your virginity)
Ellen Page is frickin' amazing in everything she's in! I have to take a moment to TOTALLY recommend "Hard Candy" (2005) which might possibly be her at her best!! Michael Cera is pretty much just "George Michael" in everything (Arrested Development?) and i'm completely OK with that. Oh, and Allison Janney rocks my socks off.

CINE / VISUAL EFFECTS: 5.5/7 - ("Blah I am a Kracken from the sea!")
SOO SOO COOL! The title sequence already had me pants-wettingly excited at the movies. It's just so... ummm... fresh looking. It's sharp and neat but still edgy and cool. If that makes any sense. (I'm not very good at this)

SCORE / SOUND: 7/7 - (I bought another Sonic Youth album and it sucked... it's just noise)
The soundtrack for this movie is fan-fucking-tastic! I can listen to it all day long on repeat and sing along at full volume the whole time!! and it's hard to even pick a standout track cause it's all pure quality!

SONGS: 4/7 - (We sure are cute for two ugly people)
There's only one "song" in the movie really... and it's Juno and Bleeker singing a song from the soundtrack... but it's just such a good song!

*Special Tic-Tac Packaging*

OVERALL: 6.5/7

(I don't want to give my baby to a couple who describes themselves as "wholesome." I was looking for, maybe, a thirty-something graphic designer with a cool Asian girlfriend who kicks ass on the bass guitar, but I don't know, I don't wanna get too particular.)

Interesting Facts -
- The hamburger phone actually Belongs to Diablo Cody (the writer)
- Micheal Cera never ate a tic-tac on screen
- "Most Fruitful Yuki" doesn't exist

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