Sunday, November 2, 2008

Things We Lost In The Fire (2007)
Seen on DVD 23rd Oct 2008

This movie is absolutely BRILLIANT!
It's a MUST SEE for everyone.

I can't beleive it took me this long to see it.

STORY: 6.5/7
After Audrey (Halle Berry) loses her husband (David Duchovny) to a senseless murder, she invites her husbands best friend to live with her at the family home. Jerry (Benicio Del Toro) is a recoverring heroin addict and this lifestyle has always cause Audrey to hate him, however, in her time of need it seems that his presence is one of the few things holding her together.

ACTING: 6.5/7
Halle Berry and Benicio Del Toro are both SO DAMN BRILLIANT!
There isn't even anything to say about how good they are. Special mentions are also going to have to go to Micah Berry and Alexis Llewellyn who played Audrey's children.

OVERALL: 6.5/7

You simply HAVE TO see this movie!
Everybody does!

Interesting Trivia -
- Harper goes to see "Sunset Blvd" at the cinema

The Happening

The Happening 2008
Seen on DVD 23rd Oct 2008

STORY: 3.5/7
I was actually quite unimpressed with this movie. It was enjoyable to watch, but it didn't seem to have the intelligence of M Night Shyamalan's previous work.

Zooey Deschanel is totally brilliant. I love her! Marky Mark was pretty good in this role, but occasionally got extremely "cute" when trying to be frightened, which was just funny.

I know this isn't REALLY a horror but it did have some TINY amounts of gore in it.

OVERALL: 3.5/7

Sex And The City

Sex And The City (2008)
Seen on DVD 19th Oct 2008

ha ha ha ha ha - Get Carried away.

STORY: 5.5/7
The story of the movie basically follows on from the television series. It takes some very predictable twists, but is still extremely enjoyable to watch.

These women have lived the lives of these characters for YEARS, so of course they are going to be brilliant as they step back into the stilettos. However, Jennifer Hudson was less than perfect as Louise, Carrie's new assistant.

SOUND / SCORE: 4.5/7
Fergie. 'Nuff said ? Ha ha ha
In all honesty, the soundtrack for this movie was quite enjoyable.


Burn After Reading

Burn After Reading 2008
Seen At The Movies 18th Oct 2008

This movie had SO MUCH hype that i was already a little bit dissapointed with it when i saw it.

STORY: 4/7
The movie had a pretty interesting story which had every character intertwined and things. I just don't think the story really went anywhere all that interesting.

John Malkovich was quite good in his role, kind of creepy and disturbed, but funny at the same time. Everyone else was a bit annoying though. George Clooney and Brad Pitt both seem to be famous purely for being Geroge Clooney and Brad Pitt. My stand out for this movie is Tilda Swinton who rocks my face off constantly.

SOUND / SCORE: 5.5/7
The score for this movie is probably the ONLY thing that kept me watching. It was big and dramatic with some bold movements. Very nice.


Friday, October 24, 2008

The Adventures Of Priscilla: Queen Of The Desert

The Adventures Of Priscilla: Queen Of The Desert (1994)

Seen on TV - I don't actually remember the date.

STORY: 5.5/7
Anthony "Tick" Belrose AKA Mitzi Del Bra (Hugo Weaving) takes a roadtrip into the center of Australia to perform a drag show. He takes along friend Bernadette Bassenger (Terrence Stamp) and fellow performer Adam "Felicia" Whitely (Guy Pearce.)

Hugo Weaving is quite believable and makes himself a very deep and thoughtful character as does Terrence Stamp. Guy Pearce, on the other hand, plays an absolute stereotype of the flaming-homosexual-drag-queen.

SCORE / SOUND: 5.5/7
The soundtrack for this movie is totally great. It's uber-gay and fun fun fun. Of course, there is a bit of ABBA in it, which is gross, but it's just so cool.

OVERALL: 5.5/7

The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy

The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy (2005)
Seen on DVD 11th Oct 2008


STORY: 6.5/7
Honestly, this book (that the movie is based on) is PURE BRILLIANCE!! You really HAVE TO read it.

Mos Def is so much fun and Martin Freeman is cute and weird and funny as Arthur Dent. The one to watch though, is Zooey Deschanel. I freaking love her!



Saw (2004)
Seen on TV 10/11th Oct 2008

Yes, I saw this on the 10th slash 11th of October.
It was on TV in the middle of the night and passed over the midnight barrier.

STORY: 6/7
So as you know, this is the first in the famed Saw series. It is also undoubtedly the best of the lot. All of the sequels went for nothing more than cheap gore shocks. This first movie is actually extremely entertaining to watch and quite thrilling.

ACTING: 4.5/7
Cary Elwes is so much better than i ever expect him to be. Not just in this, in everything.

Well, it's a saw movie, so there's lots of blood, and evil contraptions built to kill people.