Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Tropic Thunder

Tropic Thunder (2008)
Seen At The Movies 15th Sept 2008

One of the funniest movies to come out in a while!

STORY: 6/7
A group of well known, but very different, actors all work together to make "the greatest war movie ever" That is, if their egos don't get in the way.

Ben Stiller is Tugg Speedman (the action star)
Robert Downey Jr. is Kirk Lazarus (the blackened Australian award winner)
and Jack Black is Jeff Portnoy (the drug-addicted comedian.)

When it is seen that these three will have troubles working together, it is decided to move them into the actual jungles of Vietnam and shoot the whole thing guerrilla style, to catch the actual fear. The only problem with this plan is, the ACTUAL war-zone they find themselves walking into.

ACTING: 5.5/7
I never thought that Ben Stiller would be this funny. (Or this BUFF to be honest, he has impressive guns!) The entire cast works so well together, but my stand out is probably Jay Baruchel. When the "stars" get so involved with themselves that they become useless, it is up to Kevin Sandusky (Baruchel) tp pull the team together and get the job done. Nick Nolte manages to kick some major ass, despite being about a thousand years old. There are also appearances from Tom Cruise, Bill Hader and Steve Coogan.

* Jay Baruchel *

HUGE explosions and lots of fire and blood and severed limbs! The action in this movie was unbelievably good!

I totally caught myself humming along to the score of this movie. It was so impressive, full of big crescendos and heavy percussion.

I know this isn't a horror movie, but it managed to have some gore in it. There was a set of severed hands that were a nice combo of funny and gross and there was also some nice intestines that kept to the funny theme.

* FUNNY FUNNY Bill Hader and Steve Coogan *



Bill Hader might be one of the funniest men on the planet! Every time he was on screen i was giggling, even when he wasn't doing anything.

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