Monday, October 13, 2008

Muppet Treasure Island

Seen on DVD 8th Oct 2008

This is probably my favourite of the Muppet movies.

STORY: 5.5/7
This is, as you may have guessed, a re-telling of the classic story by Robert Louis Stevenson. The Muppets give the story a touch of humour, without taking away the darkness of the story as a whole. Jim and his friends (Rizzo the rat and the Great Gonzo) go on an adventure to find hidden treasure, but encounter trouble in a group of pirates, led by Long John Silver.

* The Pirates *

ACTING: 5.5/7
Most of the acting in this movie is done by Muppets, which means it's top notch!!! but the humans do a pretty good job too. Firstly, Kevin Bishop plays our hero Jim Hawkins. He does a pretty good job. The star of the movie, however, is Tim Curry, who plays a brilliantly evil Long John Silver. There are also appearances by Billy Connolly and Jennifer Saunders.

* Tim Curry as Long John Silver *

I figured this would be the appropriate place to discuss the puppets? They are absolutely brilliant in this movie. Who would've ever thought that the costuming for puppets would be so damn good?? Look out for a very wooden Statler and Waldorf and Dead Tom.
* Fozzie Bear in costume *

SONGS: 6.5/7
Every single song in this movie is BRILLIANT!
"what was that musical number that just happened? it was like: CABIN FEVER, AHH"


Big Fat Ugly Bug-Face Baby-Eating O'Brien

Interesting facts -
- Tim Curry lists this as his favourite role

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